Thursday, June 6, 2013

Disparity Finder 2 (DF2)

Disparity Finder 2 (DF2) is a little program that computes the disparity between two corresponding points on a stereo pair. This is a rather painless way to find the minimum and maximum disparity of a stereo pair. To get the minimum and maximum disparity, simply match the furthest point in the background and the closest point in the foreground, respectively. Note that the disparities could be negative (they're usually always positive in the computer vision world but that's not a problem here). This may be obvious but the min disparity has to be smaller than the max disparity.

If I1 is the left image and I2 the right image, given a pixel (x,y), the disparity d is such that I1(x,y)=I2(x-d,y).

The windows executable (guaranteed to be virus free) is available for free via the 3D Software Page. Please, refer to the 'Help->About' page in the actual program for how to use it.


  1. I want to preface my comment by stating that I am a novice when it comes to computer vision so I apologize if my questions are inane. I try to exhaust other resources before I resort to posting comments as I understand it's frustrating when people ask for help without first trying to help themselves.

    Having said that, I'm having a bit of difficulty understanding how to arrive at a min and max disparity using DF2. When I select the closest and furthest points of a particular set of images using DF2 I get a disparity of -749. The max disparity input in DF2 maxes out at 255. How would I use a disparity measurement of -749 to create an accurate disparity map using DMAG5? Thanks for your help. I apologize if I'm being unclear.

    1. No problem. i think the min disparity mins out at -255 and the max disparity maxes out at +255 (i think it's plenty for normal size images). I have the feeling you're doing it wrong though. To get the min disparity, you need to click on matching points in the background. To get the max disparity, you need to click on matching points in the foreground.

    2. I figured it out! I was doing it wrong. Thanks for your prompt response and thanks for this great software. I'm very excited to have found out.

      Btw, I'm working with the new Lytro Illum camera. Do you have any plans to develop some similar software for images produced with light-field cameras? The disparity maps generated by Lytro Desktop are currently very lo-res and inaccurate. I don't know why you would, I just thought I'd check.


    3. glad you figured it out. I must admit i am not well versed in light-field technology. sounds interesting though.
