Wednesday, June 22, 2016

3D Photos - Stevenson tombstone

Left image after rectification.

Right image after rectification.

I took the pictures with my Fuji W3, opened the mpo in StereoPhoto Maker, reduced the size to 1200 (in width), and rectified the reduced-size stereo pair with ER9b. I think I could have gone without the rectification process but ER9b gave me the min and max disparities, which is nice (no need to use DF2).

Time to get the depth/disparity map. First, I am gonna use DMAG5.

Left depth map obtained by DMAG5.

Input for DMAG5:

min disparity = -29
max disparity = 25
radius = 16
alpha = 0.9
truncation cost (color) = 20.0
truncation cost (gradient) = 10.0
epsilon = 4
disparity tolerance = 0
radius (occlusion smoothing) = 9
sigma space (occlusion smoothing) = 9.0
sigma color (occlusion smoothing) = 25.5
downsampling factor = 1

I guess one could play around with the radius to get different depth maps. There's no need to play with any of the other parameters.

Now, let's get the depth/disparity map with DMAG6.

Left depth map obtained by DMAG6.

Input for DMAG6:

min disparity = -29
max disparity = 25
alpha = 0.9
truncation cost (color) = 20.
truncation cost (gradient) = 10.
truncation cost (discontinuity) = 10000.
level number = 5
iteration number = 5
data cost weight = 0.5
disparity tolerance = 0
radius (occlusion smoothing) = 9
sigma space (occlusion smoothing) = 9.0
sigma color (occlusion smoothing) = 25.5
downsampling factor = 1

I guess one could play with the data cost weight to get different depth maps. There's no need to play with any of the other parameters.

Not a whole lot of difference between the depth map produced by DMAG5 and the one produced by DMAG6, so I used the depth map produced by DMAG5 in what follows.

Animated gif courtesy of "Wiggle Maker".

I think the animated gifs are cool but there's another swell thing one can do with depth maps: shallow depth-of-field effect for miniature faking (tilt-shift).

Shallow depth-of-field effect (miniature faking).

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