I bought my stereo Realist camera at the 1996 National Stereoscopic Society (NSA) convention that took place in Rochester, NY from Mr. Harry Poster of So. Hack, NJ. Can't remember how much I paid for it but is was probably right under 200 bucks, maybe 175. It didn't come with a case but that was taken care of later on by Mr. George Themelis (better known as Dr.T) and the old 3-D mailing list. The lens cover broke at one point (long after the purchase) and got replaced thanks to ebay (no more Realist logo though). This is of course the most common model, the 1041 with the f:3.5 lens.

This is the focusing knob and, as you can see, there's no depth of field markings around it. This means that it is an early 1041 model with the hyperfocal table under the lens cover (which I don't have anymore, of course).

Rear view with the back removed. The two eyepieces are the view finder and the range finder, from left to right. You can see the notch at the bottom of the right aperture, which means it's not a super early 1041 model.

In this view from above, you can clearly see that someone (a previous owner perhaps) wrote "LEMIEN" with a very sharp object. Maybe the camera was owned by a French Canadian or a descendant of one?